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How Soon Do You See Results from Hormone Pellet Therapy?

The symptoms of a hormone imbalance can be all-consuming. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be the perfect solution to a hormonal imbalance because it offers men and women a personalized way to restore balance to their systems. One of the most convenient methods of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is hormone pellet therapy. These tiny pellets help supplement hormone deficiency by releasing steady and consistent hormones to the body so you can live a symptom-free life.

How Soon Do You See Results from Hormone Pellet Therapy?

The symptoms of a hormone imbalance can be all-consuming. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be the perfect solution to a hormonal imbalance because it offers men and women a personalized way to restore balance to their systems. One of the most convenient methods of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is hormone pellet therapy. These tiny pellets help supplement hormone deficiency by releasing steady and consistent hormones to the body so you can live a symptom-free life.

How Soon Do You See Results from Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Once you begin pellet therapy, you may see some changes in your symptoms in as little as 72 hours. Typically, patients begin to experience relief from their symptoms within the first three weeks of treatment. Results will vary among patients based on their hormone deficiency and pellet dosage.

What Happens During the Treatment Process?

Pellet therapy is a personalized way to balance the hormones because it provides the opportunity to deliver the exact dosage of bio-identical hormones your body needs directly into the bloodstream. The entire treatment process is quick and only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. During the treatment process, you will lie down in a comfortable position.

Your physician will sanitize your skin and create a tiny incision just below the surface, typically in the fatty tissue of the hip or buttocks. The pellet, which is smaller than a grain of rice, will be placed in that tiny incision which will then be closed with a dissolvable suture. As soon as that pellet is implanted, your body can begin to absorb those hormones and potentially restore balance to your system.

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

This form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be so effective because it can help alleviate the symptoms of a hormone imbalance relatively quickly and is designed with the patient’s specific needs in mind. When you choose this treatment method, you won’t have to take any pills, administer any injections, or apply any hormone creams in an attempt to balance your hormones on your own. Those methods require discipline and consistency and missing a day can affect your results.

When you choose pellet therapy, you won’t have to worry about missing any doses. The slowly dissolving pellet will supply hormones directly to your body over a three to four-month period. You won’t have to do a thing but enjoy a symptom-free life. Pellets can last up to six months, at which point a follow-up treatment is scheduled to receive a new pellet. You may only need three to four treatments each year to maintain balanced hormones year-round.

A Treatment Customized for Your Unique Hormonal Needs

Hormone pellets can provide an effective solution to hormonal imbalances in both men and women alike. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach taken in pellet therapy. Each pellet is prescribed with the hormones and dosage specific to your body’s needs. Once you begin this treatment, you can feel confident that the bioidentical hormones will soon help restore hormonal balance which can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

If you’ve been living a life defined by the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, know that there is a solution that can help improve your life on every level. Pellet therapy is a simple and potentially effective treatment that offers long-lasting benefits without any work on your part. Visit us today at Wells Pharmacy Network to learn more about hormone pellets and how they can alleviate your symptoms and restore balance to your everyday life.

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