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What Is the Best Time of Day to Take Anastrozole?

Once you receive a prescription for this aromatase inhibitor, you may be directed to take it daily or every other day, depending on your specific prescription and protocol. Regardless, there is no set time at which you should take this medication. Some prescription medications may recommend that you take them in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed, or a specific number of hours after eating.  Food does not affect the extent of absorption, so it can conveniently be taken at a time of your choosing.

Choosing a Time That Works for You

This medication may be taken with or without food, but it’s highly recommended to take it at the same time every day so that you develop a routine that may help you avoid missing a dosage. It’s important that you take this medication as directed since missing dosages could affect your results.

For that reason, choose a time to take it when you are least likely to forget it. Many patients choose to take it in the morning with their daily multivitamin, while others choose to take it right before bed. It all comes down to your lifestyle, routine, and preference.

A Hormonal and Urological Solution

One of the benefits of this aromatase inhibitor is that it may help complement testosterone therapy by blocking a specific enzyme responsible for converting excess testosterone into estrogen within the body.

Still, the body often converts testosterone to estrogen, but it may be easily treated with this specific compounded medication. If you are suffering from low testosterone, adding this medication to your treatment plan may help you achieve the best results.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is a hormonal deficiency that often affects men amid andropause, the period of life that may be referred to as male menopause. However, low testosterone may also affect younger men as a result of genetics, disease, obesity, lifestyle choices, and other environmental factors. Low testosterone may lead to some very noticeable signs and symptoms, including some of the following:

Treating Low Testosterone

There are many different custom compounds that may be used to treat low testosterone. These include hormone replacement therapy solutions such as sterile pellets, testosterone injections, creams and gels, and troches. An aromatase inhibitor may also be added to your testosterone therapy treatment plan to help ensure that the body does not convert that testosterone into estrogen.

Choosing the Right Combination of Treatment Methods

There are different hormone replacement therapy methods that may treat men from different walks of life. If you think you may be suffering from the effects of low testosterone, the first step is to meet with a hormonal health expert who can evaluate your specific deficiency and then design a treatment plan that helps to possibly restore balance to your hormonal system. Once you experience the benefits of balanced hormones, you may notice improvements in your physical, mental, and emotional health.

If you are suffering from low testosterone or other urological conditions that have resulted from imbalanced hormones, there are effective solutions that may balance your body and deliver some life-changing effects that may help improve the quality of your life. Contact us today at Wells Pharmacy Network to learn more about our testosterone solutions and this aromatase inhibitor that may help you experience all the benefits of balance.

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